Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Where I read

At the weekend someone asked me when I read short stories - they felt that a short story wasn't satisfying enough when they sat down in an armchair and pulled out a book, so they never read them. I thought about it and here's my answer:

I leave books of short stories and poetry around, so that if I have an urge, or ten minutes spare, I can pick one up and read. I can then carry the poem or story with me in my head.

This seems to me to be the best way of reading such intense and juicy things as poems and short stories. I need space in my head after reading one so that it can soak in, and so that I can think about it. It takes a truly stunning story or poem to stay fresh in my mind if I read another one straight after it.

So here's where I read:

in bed

in the kitchen
on the blue sofa

on my way out of the living room

in my office, when I should be working

no comment

in the living room (this is The Pile of books waiting to be read)

 back in my office

and there's always a book in my bag, just in case there's a nice little gap when I'm out.


  1. Great post! And well done for providing many many ways for someone slightly reluctant to read short stories & poetry!

  2. Thanks Tania - I have to admit that it's more a case of feeling deeply anxious if there isn't a book in sight!
